Recognizing contributions

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At PostHog we aim to recognize all contributions made to our open source codebases. We do this largely via automated processes that ensure our contributors are recognized.

Pull requests

If you submit a Pull Request to a repository under the PostHog organization, a bot will automatically send you an email to get in touch with us for a merch code.

We usually give out up to $100 for a product or app-related PR at our discretion, and $25 for something on (but we have gone over and above this for particularly large community PRs before!)

If, after a few days of having had your PR merged, you still didn't get a merch code, you can email us at and we'll sort it out! Someone on the PostHog team will send you a code manually.


If you build a app for PostHog that is accepted into our official repository, we will list you as a contributor in the categories code and plugin or app, as well as send you some merch.

Non-PR contributions

We follow the All Contributors spec for recognizing contributions. This means that if you are actively engaged in discussions, open bug reports, or contribute in other ways, a PostHog team member is able to add you to our contributors list for any of the contribution types listed in the link above.

At the moment we only provide merch for code (PR merged) and plugin or app (app accepted into official repo) contributions, however, as a contributor in a category other than those two, we'll still list you on our README and create a contributor card for you on our contributors page.

Contributor cards

All accepted contributors get a digital contributor card from us, which you can find in our contributors page.

Here's an explanation of the contents of that card:

Community MVPs

Every time we do a release, starting with version 1.22.0, we have nominated a 'Community MVP'. This is a contributor that we have chosen to give special recognition to for one or many awesome contributions to PostHog over a given release cycle.

If you ever win one of these awards from us, they will appear as trophies on your contributor card. The number of trophies is equal to the number of times you've been named community MVP.


Your contributor level is determined by how many pull requests you have had merged.

While we have created cards for all past contributors, we have only started tracking levels from 26/03/2021, which is why your card might say 'lvl 0' even if you had a PR merged before.


'Powers' refer to the types of contributions you've made to PostHog. The types of contributions available can be seen on the All Contributors spec.

Contributions of type code are automatically provided to you for merged pull requests. All other contribution types must be manually requested by a member of the PostHog team.

Sending out merch

Follow instructions on giving away merch for free

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PostHog badges

Add a badge to your website's footer Want to jump on the PostHog badge wagon? Now you can garnish your website footer with a tasteful PostHog logo - it's like being in a super secret club, except if everything was open source. And if you add the badge and link back to us, let us know and we might send some exclusive merch your way... Preview Version Use on (backgrounds)   Color logo, white background Any Color logo, transparent background Light Black text, transparent background Light White…

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