Access control

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PostHog's access control system lets you manage permissions across three levels: organizations, projects, and resources. This hierarchical approach provides granular control over who can view and edit different parts of PostHog.

Three levels of access control

1. Organization level

Organization members have one of three access levels that determine their permissions for organization-wide settings and actions.

There are three access levels in PostHog: Member, Admin, and Owner. An organization must have at lest one Owner.

PermissionMember (base level)AdminOwner
Viewing and querying project data
Accessing billing management
Managing reverse proxies
Creating and deleting projects
Managing project access controls (see more below)
Changing authentication settings (SAML, SSO settings, 2FA enforcement, etc.)
Changing organization settings (name, logo, etc.)
Managing RBAC Roles (creating, editing, deleting, changing members, etc.)
Inviting new members (only for current level or below)
Managing members (changing roles, removing, etc.)
Leaving an organization
Transferring organization ownership
Deleting an organization

Access levels can be viewed and changed in the Members section of organization settings.

2. Project level

This is currently being rolled out to all users so you may not see this experience yet. If you're interested in trying it out please email with "Access control beta" in the subject line.

Each project has a default access level that applies to all organization members:

  • No access - Members need explicit permission to access the project
  • Member - All organization members have member-level access
  • Admin - All organization members have admin-level access

Project permissions:

  • Members can view and edit resources they create or are explicitly given access to
  • Admins can view and edit all resources and manage access control settings

Organization owners and admins automatically receive project admin permissions.

You can override the default access level for specific members or roles. A user's effective permission is the highest level granted across all sources.

Project access control

3. Resource level

This is currently being rolled out to all users so you may not see this experience yet. If you're interested in trying it out please email with "Access control beta" in the subject line.

Access control is available for:

  • Insights
  • Dashboards
  • Notebooks
  • Feature flags
  • (more resource types coming soon)

Each resource has three possible access levels:

  • No access - Cannot view or edit the resource
  • View - Can view but not modify the resource
  • Edit - Can view and modify the resource

Resources default to "Edit" access when created. You can modify the default and set specific permissions for members and roles.

Resource creators and project admins can always view and edit resources as well as manage access controls.

Role-based access control (RBAC)

RBAC is only available on Enterprise plans

Instead of managing permissions individually, you can create roles to group users together. Roles can be assigned permissions at both the project and resource level.

RBAC settings

Feature availability

The Teams Add-on includes "Advanced Permissions" - the ability to set default access levels and member-specific access levels for projects and resources.

Enterprise adds role-based access control for managing access for groups of organization members.

Organization access levels
Project access control (default and member-specific)
Resource access control (default and member-specific)
Role-based access control (for projects and resources)

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Single sign-on authentication

SSO makes logging in easier for users to log and compliance easier for administrators. We also allow support just-in-time provisioning of users with the Teams add-on, which means that team members can self-serve creating their account, while still enforcing log in through a specified SSO provider. Some SSO features are add-ons. Please review each section below for details. Authentication domains SSO configuration mostly occurs in your Organization settings and is based on authentication domains…

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