JavaScript Web configuration

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When calling posthog.init, there are various configuration options you can set to customize and control the behavior of PostHog.

To configure these options, pass them as an object to the posthog.init call, like we do with api_host, loaded, and autocapture below.

posthog.init('<ph_project_api_key>', {
api_host: '',
loaded: function (posthog) {
posthog.identify('[user unique id]')
autocapture: false,
// ... more options

You can also use the posthog.set_config method to change the configuration after initialization.

persistence: 'localStorage+cookie',

There are many configuration options, most of which you do not have to ever worry about. For brevity, only the most relevant ones are used here. However you can view all the configuration options in types.ts file of the SDK's source code.

Some of the most relevant options are:


Type: String
URL of your PostHog instance.

Type: String
Default: undefined
If using a reverse proxy for api_host then this should be the actual PostHog app URL (e.g. This ensures that links to PostHog point to the correct host.

Type: Boolean or AutocaptureConfig
Default: true
Determines if PostHog should autocapture events. This setting does not affect capturing pageview events (see capture_pageview). See below for AutocaptureConfig

Type: Function
Default: function () {}
A function that allows you to amend or reject events before they are sent to PostHog. See below for more information

Type: Object
Default: {}
An object containing the distinctID, isIdentifiedID, and featureFlags keys, where distinctID is a string, and featureFlags is an object of key-value pairs

Type: Boolean
Default: true
Determines if PostHog should automatically capture pageview events.

Type: Boolean
Default: true
Determines if PostHog should automatically capture pageleave events.

Type: Boolean
Default: true
Determines if PostHog should automatically capture dead click events.

Type: Boolean
Default: true
Determines if cookie should be set on the top level domain ( If posthog-js is loaded on a subdomain (, and cross_subdomain_cookie is set to false, it'll set the cookie on the subdomain only (

Type: Array
Default: []
A list of user agents to block when sending events.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Disable persisting user data across pages. This will disable cookies, session storage and local storage.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Determines if surveys script should load which controls whether they show up for users, and whether requests for API surveys return valid data

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Determines if users should be opted out of session recording.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Determines if console logs should be recorded as part of the session recording. More information.

Type: Boolean
Default: undefined
Determines if heatmap data should be captured.

Type: Function
Default: function () {}
A function to be called once the PostHog scripts have loaded successfully.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Prevent PostHog autocapture from capturing any text from your elements.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Prevent PostHog autocapture from capturing any attributes from your elements.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Determines if users should be opted out of PostHog tracking by default, requiring additional logic to opt them into capturing by calling posthog.opt_in_capturing.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Determines if users should be opted out of browser data storage by this PostHog instance by default, requiring additional logic to opt them into capturing by calling posthog.opt_in_capturing.

Type: Enum: localStorage, sessionStorage, cookie, memory, or localStorage+cookie
Default: localStorage+cookie
Determines how PostHog stores information about the user. See persistence for details.

Type: Array
Default: []
A list of properties that should never be sent with capture calls.

Type: Enum: always, identified_only
Default: identified_only
Set whether events should capture identified events and process person profiles

Type: Object
Default: { events_per_second: 10, events_burst_limit: events_per_second * 10 }
Controls event rate limiting to help you avoid accidentally sending too many events. events_per_second determines how many events can be sent per second on average (default: 10). events_burst_limit sets the maximum events that can be sent at once (default: 10 times the events_per_second value).

Type: Object
Default: See here.
Configuration options for recordings. More details found here

Type: Integer
Default: 1800
The maximum amount of time a session can be inactive before it is split into a new session.

Type: Object
Default: {}
Any additional headers you wish to pass with the XHR requests to the PostHog API.

Configuring autocapture

The autocapture config takes an object providing full control of autocapture's behavior.


Type: Array of Strings or Regexp
Default: undefined
List of URLs to enable autocapture on, can be string or regex matches e.g. ['', '*']. An empty list means no URLs are allowed for capture, undefined means all URLs are.

Type: Array of Strings
Default: undefined
An array of DOM events, like click, change, submit, to enable autocapture on. An empty array means no events are enable for capture, undefined means all are.

Type: Array of Strings
Default: undefined
An array of DOM elements, like a, button, form, input, select, textarea, or label to allow autocapture on. An empty array means no elements are enabled for capture, undefined means all elements are enabled.

Type: Array of Strings
Default: undefined
An array of CSS selectors to enable autocapture on. An empty array means no CSS selectors are allowed for capture, undefined means all CSS selectors are.

Type: Array of Strings
Default: undefined
An array of element attributes that autocapture will not capture. Both an empty array and undefined mean any of the attributes from the element are captured.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
When set to true, autocapture will capture the text of any element that is cut or copied.

Advanced configuration

These are features for advanced users and may lead to unintended side effects if not reviewed carefully.


Type: Boolean
Default: false
Will completely disable the /decide endpoint request (and features that rely on it). More details below.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Will keep /decide running, but without any feature flag requests. Important: do not use this argument if using surveys, as display conditions rely on feature flags internally.

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Stops from firing feature flag requests on first page load. Only requests feature flags when user identity or properties are updated, or you manually request for flags to be loaded.

Type: Integer
Default: 3000
Sets timeout for fetching feature flags

Type: Boolean
Default: false
If this is true, PostHog cookies will be marked as secure, meaning they will only be transmitted over HTTPS.

Type: Array
Default: []
List of query params to be automatically captured (see UTM Segmentation )

Type: string
Default: undefined
fetch call cache behavior (see MDN Docs to understand available options). It's important when using NextJS, see companion documentation. This is a tricky option, avoid using it unless you are aware of the changes this could cause - such as cached feature flag values, etc.

Type: Object
Default: undefined
Arguments to be passed to the next key when calling fetch under NextJS. See companion documentation.

Disable /decide endpoint

Note: This feature was introduced in posthog-js 1.10.0. Previously, disabling autocapture would inherently disable the /decide endpoint altogether. This meant that disabling autocapture would inadvertently turn off session recording, feature flags, compression, and the toolbar too.

One of the first things the PostHog does after initializing is make a request to the /decide endpoint on PostHog's backend. This endpoint contains information on how to run the PostHog library so events are properly received in the backend and is required to run most features of the library (detailed below).

If you're not using any of these features, you may wish to turn off the call completely to avoid an extra request and reduce resource usage on both the client and the server.

The /decide endpoint can be disabled by setting advanced_disable_decide to true.

Resources dependent on /decide

Warning: These are features/resources that are fully disabled when the /decide endpoint is disabled.

  • Autocapture. The /decide endpoint contains information on whether autocapture should be enabled or not (apart from local configuration).
  • Session recording. The endpoint contains information on where to send relevant session recording events.
  • Compression. The endpoint contains information on what compression methods are supported on the backend (e.g. LZ64, gzip) for event payloads.
  • Feature flags. The endpoint contains the feature flags enabled for the current person.
  • Surveys. The endpoint contains information on whether surveys should be enabled or not.
  • Toolbar. The endpoint contains authentication information and other toolbar capabilities information required to run it.

Any custom event captures (posthog.capture), $identify, $set, $set_once and basically any other calls not detailed above will work as expected when /decide is disabled.

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Managing persistence and cookies

For PostHog to work optimally, we store small amount of information about the user on the user's browser. This ensures we identify users properly if they navigates away from your site and come back later. We store the following information in the user's browser: User's ID Session ID & Device ID Active & enabled feature flags Any super properties you have defined. Some PostHog configuration options (e.g. whether session recording is enabled) By default, we store all this information in both a…

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